Youth Movie Ministry: Small Foot 10.26.18
Youth Movie Ministry Children are welcome Theme: Life is full of surprises: When Life's Perspective makes all the difference John 16:44, "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." Movie: Small Foot (children friendly) ( review here ) Where: Consolidated Theaters Kapolei 16 When: Friday, 10.26.18 at 7:00 pm Price: Please $3.00 to Pastor Bong. Please call at 808-741-6294 by 5:00pm so pastor Bong can pre-purchase your ticket. Food during movie: Buy your own What to bring (after the movie): Potluck dish to share (optional) Chairs/Benches (we will pray and eat at the parking lot) Bible and Pen After the movie, there will be a potluck at the parking lot with debrief and prayer. Parents, please bring a dish to share. Pastor Bong will bring rice and cutleries. ============= Finance: M...